Here on Framalab you will find the web services that Framasoft
plans to offer to offer to the public.
Use them for testing, bearing in mind that Framasoft will not provide
support in the event of malfunction or loss of data.
It's experimental ⚗️🧪💥 !
However, if you need any help or would like to help improve these tools you can use 👥 our forum. All contributions are welcome.
- 👀 First of all, check that your problem has not already been described. If this is the case, you can add your comments to the existing topic, or propose your own solutions.
- ✍️ Alternatively, create a new topic describing your problem simply but precisely. Screenshots are appreciated, even more so when they are animated. They help us to understand and reproduce bugs more accurately.
- 💪 If you can, try to suggest, as much as possible, potential solutions.

The successor to Framaforms
Google FormsYakforms, which currently powers Framaforms, is at the end of its life. We hope to have found a successor.
Online forms (to replace our ageing Yakforms)
Spread the word about your petitions
Change.orgAvaazIn order to provide you with a petitions service that respects your personal data, we are testing the use of the software named Pytition.
Alternative to and Avaaz
Manage your shared expenses
Create diagrams and manage your whiteboards
PDF handling